It's been a good year in The One Night Band camp, and as we wait to perform for our final gig of the year we're looking back at some of our favourite parts of the year.
Sam: (Written by Sam)

Life sometimes takes strange turns, people sometimes find themselves in the tight embrace of a photographers van, unpleasantly wrapped around the artisan brickwork of a country least this was the case for the poor, intoxicated swine of a Photo Booth company.
As the band were leaving the venue we were confronted by a flailing drunk trying to reverse his company van out from the side of a house, his ceaseless panic spawned the wretched stink of clutch and carbon. In the meantime his comrade was conversing in a tone of hysteria and alarm to his blood father, sobbing and screeching, begging for sweet mercy and forgiveness, claiming that the poisoned companion had perhaps snatched and polished dry a few sherries and ales from the well-wishers of the matrimonial event.
Later the drunk staggered from the pathway, eyes glassy and with the legs of a new born veal fresh from the womb, "is this your car?" said the haunted youth, to which we replied, "no this is your car"

Laura: (Written by Laura)

How can I compete with Sam's beautiful words? Such poetry. My highlight was playing in Polzeath. I made a weekend of it, and went down in my Campervan, stopping off at the Eden Project and then waking up the next morning and surfing on the sea overlooked by that nights venue. During the soundcheck I watched the surfers, while Max and Matt played 'Mr Brightside'! The sunset was beautiful and the gig was great. We were really well looked after and everyone had an epic time (and we had one of the best steaks ever!).
During the final song of the nigh we realised that Max had forgotten his capo, so Dave became a human capo and kept his hand there for the first verse of 'Wonderwall', which was pretty amusing.
After the party was over, I waved goodbye to the boys who were off to stay in a Travelodge in Exeter, and I walked back down the cliff to be reunited with my boyfriend who had been hanging out in the van, parked on the sand, and I just went to bed listening to the sounds of the sea! Lovely!
Dave: (Written by Dave)

Our trip to Germany was my ultimate highlight of 2018. Martin and Gudrun, who hired us, were so amazingly friendly. After we played a kicking, imported rock show for them we then danced and drank with them until 3am. Whilst we were out there we also played a public gig for some of the Germans who saw us on WDR's Wunderschön Sud-England. They swarmed us at the end of the performance, presenting us with gifts and then talking to us relentlessly in German whilst we nodded along. I love how our work takes us on a different adventure every weekend and Germany was the best so far!
Max: (Written by Max)

It is a common occurrence in this band in which I will develop an unhealthy obsession with a band or artist and annoy the guys to death with my obsession. My longest standing obsession is with Bruce Springsteen. One day Laura told me with a grin: "You're gonna love the client of next week's gig" she then proceeded to tell me that the birthday boy, Jackson, was a Bruce fan. I was hesitant at first as a lot of people in the past have said they're Bruce fans and then name songs such as "Streets of Philidelphia" urgh. However, I strategically wore my Gaslight Anthem t-shirt on purpose which Jackson clocked when he entered the venue.
My highlight of the evening however was chatting to his Dad, Laura awkwardly packed up around me trying passive aggressively to get me to pull my weight with pack down, as we discussed Bruce gigs we've been to. It turns out we were stood very close to each other at the front of the 2013 Olympic Park gig. Not only that, he told me that his daughter was the woman who had a tattoo of the Bruce song title "My Lucky Day" which he spotted when doing his regular walk in the crowd during "Darlington County". Hours later, Bruce came out and played an impromptu unique acoustic version of this song on a whim due to seeing this tattoo.
This is a story I have told many people about Bruce live show and I had no idea that one day I'd meet people relating to this story!! What a small world!!

Matt: (Written by Matt)

Easily my favourite moment of 2018 was breaking down in the fast lane of the M25 on the way to a gig and getting towed back to Nottingham... joking.
My actual favourite weekend of 2018 was our trip and gigs in Germany. Although I wasn't able to get to Cuxhaven for the gig on Friday night, I rocked up in style on the Saturday. I got up nice (!) and early on the Saturday morning to drive to Manchester, sat on two plane trips and finally did a mad dash to catch a train from Hamberg to Cuxhaven. Phew.
After the rest of the guys met a bleary-eyed bass player at the train station, we had a brief soundcheck (where I managed to break half the decorations in one fell swoop) and headed to the hotel. In true Kings of Leon style, I had the penthouse suite along with AAA access to a balcony and a view of the rooftops of Cuxhaven. Nice.

Try and beat that 2019.
Extra bits just for you:
- Meeting Omid Djalili and performing in the same venue that the Chelsea football club were staying in before their game the next morning. - The Round Table dancing to the Damn Busters theme
- Being escorted into an Army Base through men with Machine Guns! :o
- A Father of the Bride looking like Alan Sugar
- Playing in various Castles, and ghost hunting in Devon
- Meeting some amazing wedding and party suppliers, such as James White Photography, Shiplake College Events and Frensham Brewery
